Is P2L offered for my class?

P2L is offered for the following courses: APMA1090 (fall), APMA1110, BIOL2100 (fall), BIOL2200 (spring), CHEM1410 (fall), CHEM1420 (spring), CHEM2410 (fall), CHEM2420 (spring), MATH1190, MATH1210, MATH1220, MATH1310, MATH1320, PHYS1425, PHYS2415. For additional information about your course, click here to access our supported courses page.

When are sessions held?

Check our session schedule to see when P2L sessions are offered for your class.

What happens during a P2L session?

Peer Coaches plan and lead activities that provide students with the opportunity to work together with their peers to practice and review material from class. P2L is a great place to ask questions, engage in discussions, and work through challenging concepts as a group. Throughout the semester, Peer Coaches incorporate active study strategies to help students learn content. 

Will P2L sessions just cover the same material as class?

No, not quite. The course instructor and Peer Coach work together to plan the material that will be covered in sessions, but the sessions will not cover everything that is covered in class. Sessions may be more focused on specific aspects of course material. Typically, P2L sessions focus on material from the previous week's lecture. P2L sessions are not a substitute for class attendance.

Is P2L the same as office hours? 

P2L is different than attending office hours. At P2L sessions, students can expect a full hour of practice that has been prepared by the Peer Coach. P2L does not offer homework help. Students with specific questions about concepts, assignments or grades should visit office hours with their instructor or TA. Students looking for more practice should attend P2L. Students are encouraged to utilize both P2L and office hours as resources!

Why should I come to P2L sessions?

Attending sessions regularly can help students earn higher course grades. In addition, it allows you to develop a deeper understanding of the material as you work together with your peers and receive support from a Peer Coach who has successfully completed the course. You may even learn some new study strategies along the way!

How often should I go to P2L sessions?

There are multiple sessions offered every week, but you only need to go once each week since sessions cover similar material. It is recommended that students attend sessions regularly, ideally every week. Attendance is voluntary, but sessions are meant to help reinforce material and give you extra time for practice. You will benefit more from the program if you attend sessions every week rather than just before exams. 

My course offers something called P2L Pop-Up! sessions. How is a Pop-Up! session different than a regular P2L session?

A few courses over P2L Pop-Up! sessions. Currently, these courses include: Math1190, Math1210, Math1310, and PHYS1425. While regular P2L sessions allow students to practice and review material from the previous week's lecture, P2L Pop-Up! sessions review specific learning targets or challenging topics from earlier in the semester. Peer coaches and course faculty work together to select which topics are covered for each session. Unlike traditional P2L sessions, Pop-Up! sessions are not held every week. The session schedule depends on the exam schedule for the course. You can find the Pop-Up! schedule for your course by checking the course academic support page.

Do I have to sign up in advance?

No sign-up is required!

What if I tried P2L and still need more support?

If you still need additional support after attending P2L, you may be interested in the PAC program (Peer Academic Coaching), which offers more one-on-one support options. For more information about PAC, click here.

I would like to participate, but I need assistance or accommodations to do so. What should I do?

We are happy to help all of our students participate in P2L, so please write to Laura Devlin at [email protected] and get in touch with SDAC. Depending upon what kind of assistance you need, we might need about a week’s notice to pull those resources together.

I am interested in becoming a Peer Coach. Where can I find more information?

We are always looking for more Peer Coaches to join our team! We typically starting the hiring process in March for the fall semester and October for the spring semester. For more information about applying for a Peer Coach position, click here.

Who can I ask for more information about the program?

P2L is managed by the Georges Student Center. Email Laura Devlin, Assistant Director of Academic Support, at [email protected] if you have any questions.

P2L is an adapted version of a model called Supplemental Instruction, or SI, which has been in use at lots of universities (UT-Austin, U Michigan, and others) for many years. You can learn more about what SI is and its history from the International Center for Supplemental Instruction at UM-KC.